



How can I check if textarea is hidden using javascript?

+1  A: 
var textArea = document.getElementById('textAreaId');

if (textArea.currentStyle.visibility === 'hidden' || textArea.currentStyle.display === 'none')
   /* code */
That will only work if the visibility has been explicitly set on the textarea's `style` property (and not, for example, if set by a CSS rule using a class selector)
Tim Down
Good point, corrected.
+1  A: 
var myBox = document.getElementById("myBox");
if (myBox.currentStyle.display === "none" || myBox.currentStyle.visibility === "hidden") {
  alert("Box is invisible");

-- Works with

<textarea id="myBox">Lorem ipsum doloet set amit</textarea>
Jonathan Sampson
That will only work if the visibility/display has been explicitly set on the textarea's style property (and not, for example, if set by a CSS rule using a class selector)
Tim Down
thanks, what does document.getElementById("id") returns if the id doesn't exist in case of Internet Explorer. It is returning NULL in firefox.
Yogsma, make sure you have the ID attribute set on your textarea. I've updated my answer to reflect this. `getElementById("id")` is also case-sensitive, make sure you write is exactly as I have it. If the element is not found, it will return `undefined` or `null` I think.
Jonathan Sampson
In internet explorer somehow it returns ''.

Wouldn't it be unhidden in the first place if your css isn't setting it to display: none; ?

If you want to hide it or show it you should just be able to use some JQuery:

$(document.body).css( "display", "none" );



And so on.


Internet explorer somehow gets confused if you have two elements with same id. Though the things work fine in firefox, they don't in Internet explorer. I changed the id of textarea and it is working now.

Thank You guys.


Did you try elm.getBoundingClientRect() ?

It will give all zero values if the element or a parent has display:none.
With visibility:hidden the element is there and then has a boudning rectangle.

<div style="display:none">
  var rect = document.getElementsByTagName('TEXTAREA')[0].getBoundingClientRect();
  alert(rect.right === 0 ? 'hidden':'visible');