I'm working on a small silverlight application that involves passing some data between javascript and silverlight. I am also using the silverlight virtual earth control.
The weirdness I have come across is that is possible to register Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.LocationCollection as a script createable type and instantiate and pass it to a ScriptableMember. This is great, but I can't see where LocationCollection is tagged as a ScriptableType - am I missing something obvious.
Code in App.xaml.cs - Application_Startup
HtmlPage.RegisterCreateableType("mapLocationCollection", typeof(Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.LocationCollection));
Javascript code that works!
var locs = SLPlugin.Content.services.createObject('mapLocationCollection');
I thought that in order in instantiate an instance of the class in JavaScript the type needed to be tagged as [ScriptableType] and the type needs to be registered as a createable type. As far as I can tell LocationCollection (or any of it's superclasses) have this attribute.
Can anyone out there help me square this in my mind?