I have been working alongside The Little Schemer to learn Scheme and using PLT-Scheme for my environment.
The Little Schemer has helped me tremendously with recursion (it is straightforward for me now) but I'm stuck on a portion of the book that introduces "collectors" and calls the function as a whole a continuation.
Here is the example code they have used. I understand the recursive elements but I am stuck, in particular on the lambda functions - my mind can't follow the path and how the arguments for that lambda function are set (since their only call is to call them again in recursion, there is no concrete use within the function body).
If someone could more-or-less give me a break down of the path of computation through the recursion of the function into the lambda collectors, that may help me.
;; Build a nested list of even numbers by removing the odd ones from its
;; argument and simultaneously multiply the even numbers and sum the odd
;; numbers that occur in its argument.
(define (even-only-collector l col)
((null? l)
(col (quote ()) 1 0))
((atom? (car l))
((even? (car l))
(even-only-collector (cdr l)
(lambda (newl p s)
(col (cons (car l) newl)
(* (car l) p) s))))
(even-only-collector (cdr l)
(lambda (newl p s)
(col newl
p (+ (car l) s)))))))
(even-only-collector (car l)
(lambda (al ap as)
(even-only-collector (cdr l)
(lambda (dl dp ds)
(col (cons al dl)
(* ap dp)
(+ as ds)))))))))
;; The collector function
(define (collector newl product sum)
(cons sum
(cons product newl)))
Thank you in advance!!