



I use Microsoft’s Visual Studio, and find the IntelliSense code auto completion feature very useful.

Are there any alternative open source IDEs that offer a similarly useful feature? How do they compare?

+2  A: 

I would think that an IDE that did not offer some completion capabilities would have low market acceptance.

In the Java world, Eclipse has code completion.

+1 for your first line :)
+2  A: 

Eclipse does quite a good job for Java development. Actually, it does a very good job.

PHP and Python plug-ins are available too. Probably other languages as well - you didn't mention any language in particular.

Edit: According to people more experienced than myself, Eclipse can be extended to provide "VERY VERY" good support for C and C++, too.

The latest version of CDT (C/C++ Development Tools) for Eclipse is VERY VERY good with code completion as well.

Scintilla is what you are looking for. It is a drop in replacement for an edit control. It has auto-complete capabilities as well as a host of other goodies. It is designed for C++ though, so it may not be an option, as you didn't specify a language.

George Edison
Now that I see what you want, forget what I said. Eclipse is what you need, probably.
George Edison

I think you are refering to .NET IDEs as you mentioned Visual Studio.

SharpDevelop is an .NET development software that indeed offer code completion. By the way, they use a full feature open-source text editor for that called ICSharpCode.TextEditor. I extended this text editor last year to support code-completion for database queries and it was very easy.

+1  A: 

There are many other IDEs that are open source, and most (if not all) of them feature some kind of auto completion.

Here's a link to Wikipedia's "Comparison of IDEs", which might help.

You can also probably just search Stack Overflow for "Best IDE for x development" (x being the language you work with), and you'll find many options, all of them likely to have auto-completion.

One little "plug" for my favorite: Eclipse has much more than just auto-completion. If you're developing Java, it really opens your eyes to what kinds of things an IDE can do to help you out (compiling as you write and underlining errors, giving you a one-click way to make the IDE try and fix the problem for you, which it often does, etc...).

Edan Maor