



Not sure I'm asking the right question, but it's a start. I have a user control with a ListView and, ideally, I would like to nest this same control inside of the ListView to provide recursion. This would behave somewhat like a TreeView with child nodes.

This might be a monumentally bad idea. :) In fact, I feed like MSFT is pointing me in that direction, because when I try this I am told that I can't do it.

So, how would you do this? What's the right way?


Sounds like You do need a TreeView after all, but need more functionality than it provides by default... How about extending the TreeNode/TreeView?

Here is an example for that:

Or you can extend the ListView, in fact, this article shows how to create a TreeListView which sounds very similar to what you're trying to do:

Either way, it sounds like you need a custom control, based on the TreeView and ListView.

Good Luck!

I've seen those articles before, but I didn't give them enough attention as I was researching. Probably moving too fast. On your recommendation, I'll give them a good read and see what I come up with.
Byron Sommardahl