



How do you stored 3rd party libraries in source control?

The problem I have is that I can't checkout the source and compile it on just any computer, it has to be the one computer that I installed the library.

Any suggestions?

+1  A: 

Store it with a ReadMe file that explains how to obtain and install a valid license. Obtain and install valid licenses for all your developer and build machines.

+2  A: 

Three options:

  • Have a standard ghost/kickstart for all of your development machines, to insure that they have all the same libraries installed.

  • Check-in the compiled libraries directly into source control, and setup your build system so that those libraries are checked-out automatically when checking out your application.

  • Have developers install the libraries on their own, but build an automatic check in your build system to insure that the expected version of the library is installed.

Whatever the solution you go with, I'd recommend against a "every developer downloads whichever version of the library that ends up compiling" scheme. The risk is high to end up with developers working with different versions than what your end product runs on, either because they forgot to upgrade at some point, or downloaded a more recent version. And that's a bug waiting to happen.
