I have a jqGrid defined as such:
url: '/FeedbackReports/GetFeedbackReport',
datatype: 'json',
colNames: ['ColA', 'ColB', 'ColC', 'ColD'],
colModel: [{ name: 'ColA', index: 'ColA', width: 60 },
{ name: 'ColB', index: 'ColB', width: 60 },
{ name: 'ColC', index: 'ColC', width: 60 },
{ name: 'ColD', index: 'ColD', width: 60 },
/* ... and so on */
Now, when the ajax call returns, it's has to return an array of what will go into each row.
['value', 'value', 'value']
Is it possible to get jqGrid to accept key/value pairs for row data?
[{ 'ColA' : 'value', 'ColB' : 'value', 'ColC' : 'value', 'ColD' : 'value'}]
So when jqGrid loads the data, it'll automatically binds the data to the column in the model?