



I am trying to test this behavior

-- BLOGTableAdapter.GetBlogsByTitle(string title) is called and for once only

-- and is called with string having length greater than 1,

-- and it returns BLOGDataTable Object

    public void GetBlogsByBlogTitleTest4()
        var mockAdapter = new Mock<BLOGTableAdapter>();
        var mockTable = new Mock<BLOGDataTable>();

        mockAdapter.Setup(x => x.GetBlogsByTitle(It.Is<string>(s => s.Length > 0))).Returns(mockTable.Object);

        var blogBl = new BlogManagerBLL(mockAdapter.Object);
        blogBl.GetBlogsByBlogTitle("Thanks for reading my question");

        mockAdapter.Verify(x => x.GetBlogsByTitle(It.Is<string>(s => s.Length > 0)), Times.Exactly(1));

When a calls is made to GetBlogsByTitle(string title), in class say "BlogManagerBLL" in Data Aceess Layer

public BLOGDataTable GetBlogsByBlogTitle(string title)
            return Adapter.GetBlogsByTitle(title);

As you can see, I am using two seperate statements to get these checks done

mockAdapter.Setup(x => x.GetBlogsByTitle(It.Is<string>(s => s.Length > 0))).Returns(mockTable.Object);    
mockAdapter.Verify(x => x.GetBlogsByTitle(It.Is<string>(s => s.Length > 0)), Times.Exactly(1));
  1. How can I put this into one statement ?
  2. Am I testing right things ?


+1  A: 

If you're testing two things, you should write two tests.

public void BlogTableAdapter_should_be_called_with_string_having_length_greater_than_1()
    var mockAdapter = new Mock<BLOGTableAdapter>();

    var blogBl = new BlogManagerBLL(mockAdapter.Object);
    blogBl.GetBlogsByBlogTitle("Thanks for reading my question");

    mockAdapter.Verify(x => x.GetBlogsByTitle(It.Is<string>(s => s.Length > 0)));


public void BlogTableAdapter_should_return_a_BLOGDataTable_object()
    var mockAdapter = new Mock<BLOGTableAdapter>();
    mockAdapter.Setup(x => x.GetBlogsByTitle(It.Is<string>(s => s.Length > 0))).Returns(new BLOGDataTable());

    var blogBl = new BlogManagerBLL(mockAdapter.Object);
    var returnValue = blogBl.GetBlogsByBlogTitle("Thanks for reading my question");

    Assert.That(returnValue, Is.TypeOf(typeof(BLOGDataTable)));

So I guess my advice is don't put them together, create a test for each. And I'd say you're testing the right things.

Chris Missal
Thanks mate, do appreciate
Asad Butt
just another point: I though we should use one [Test] method for corresponding method in our code class ? you are suggesting a test method for every check for the corresponding method ?say I have 3 methods in a class and want to check 4 things each, there are going to be 12 [Test] methods ? write ?should a write separate [TestFixture] for each method ?
Asad Butt