



I'm going through the EdgeCase Ruby Koans. In about_dice_project.rb, there's a test called "test_dice_values_should_change_between_rolls", which is straightforward:

  def test_dice_values_should_change_between_rolls
    dice =

    first_time = dice.values

    second_time = dice.values

    assert_not_equal first_time, second_time,
      "Two rolls should not be equal"

Except for this comment that appears there:

# If the rolls are random, then it is possible (although not
# likely) that two consecutive rolls are equal.  What would be a
# better way to test this.

Which (obviously) got me thinking: what is the best way to reliably test something random like that (specifically, and generally)?

+4  A: 

It seems like there are 2 separate units here. First, a random number generator. Second, a "dice" abstraction that uses the (P)RNG.

If you want to unit test the dice abstraction, then mock out the PRNG calls, and make sure it calls them, and returns an appropriate value for the input you give, etc.

The PRNG is probably part of your library/framework/OS and so I wouldn't bother testing it. Maybe you'll want an integration test to see if it returns reasonable values, but that's a whole 'nother problem.

Do this, if this is the case. It really is an awful unit test. It would only pass a random amount of times.
It would probably pass a *pseudo*-random number of times. If you're careful to only run the test at the same number of milliseconds since system boot every time, you should be fine. :-)
@Ken - That's a test smell, and certainly should not be encouraged ;)
Stub out the random number generator and have it return constant values. Write your test just to verify it calls out for random numbers. Verifying that the numbers are actually "random" is futile.
+8  A: 

I'd say the best way to test anything that involves randomness is statistically. Run your dice function in a loop a million times, tabulate the results, and then run some hypothesis tests on the results. A million samples should give you enough statistical power that almost any deviations from correct code will be noticed. You are looking to demonstrate two statistical properties:

  1. The probability of each value is what you intended it to be.
  2. All rolls are mutually independent events.

You can test whether the frequencies of the dice rolls are approximately correct using Pearson's Chi-square test. If you're using a good random nunber generator, such as the Mersenne Twister (which is the default in the standard lib for most modern languages, though not for C and C++), and you're not using any saved state from previous rolls other than the Mersenne Twister generator itself, then your rolls are for all practical purposes independent of one another.

As another example of statistical testing of random functions, when I ported the NumPy random number generators to the D programming language, my test for whether the port was correct was to use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to see whether the numbers generated matched the probability distributions they were supposed to match.

Not a fan of this. This test in particular would take longer than other unit tests.
@Dockers: You're right, but I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff because it's easy to implement, doesn't require you to change your design just for testability, and gives you the closest thing to an ironclad guarantee of correctness you're going to get short of a formal proof.
+1 for demonstrating in a very Zen way the futility of testing randomness.
Sarah Mei
So far I like this answer the best. A million times wouldn't be necessary though, probably 1000 or even 100 would be enough. I don't really intend to implement that, as I think it's just a thought exercise.
@sarah, zen != very, very dry...a very zen response would be something like "how can you be sure the sun will rise tomorrow?"
@floyd ... I suppose it's pointless to explain. Just meditate on it some more.
Sarah Mei
+3  A: 

There is no way to write a state-based test for randomness. They are contradictory, since state-based tests proceed by giving known inputs and checking output. If your input (random seed) is unknown, there is no way to test.

Luckily, you don't really want to test the implementation of rand for Ruby, so you can just stub it out with an expectation using mocha.

def test_roll
+1  A: 

It seems a bit silly, to me. Are you supposed to be testing that the (psuedo) random number generator is generating random numbers? That's futile and pointless. If anything, you could test that dice.roll calls to your PRNG.

+1  A: 

My solution was to allow a block to be passed to the roll function.

class DiceSet
  def roll(n)
    @values = (1..n).map { block_given? ? yield : rand(6) + 1 }

I can then pass my own RNG into the tests like this.

dice =
dice.roll(5) { 1 }
first_result = dice.values
dice.roll(5) { 2 }
second_result = dice.values
assert_not_equal first_result, second_result

I don't know if that's really better, but it does abstract out the calls to the RNG. And it doesn't change the standard functionality.

Jarrett Meyer