



tell some best and simple editor names like (FCK editor , WMD editor) (For inside textare field)

+1  A: 

Note that FCKEditor is now CKEditor.

TinyMCE is another major, full-featured editor. Both CKEditor and TinyMCE are quite heavyweight, though -- they both provide large and robust platforms for integration, which isn't always what you want. That said, they are easy to customize and are actively developed, with wide support for different browsers.

Both editors allow you to customize the toolbar to display only the buttons you want.

Also, for image uploading, CKEditor has CKFinder (see the demo) and TinyMCE has a number of third-party projects that add image uploading, such as TinyBrowser.

its really fine, but too much controls, also for image insert no browse button,
+1  A: 

TinyMCE is the best i've ever used, but if you use jQuery and you want a simple editor try jHTMLArea

To insert image , am not find browse button, in the image window
But do you know that the browse function can be done only server side or client side with the upload? You can't read client folders and the upload for insert a simple image is the worst thing you can do
not sure , but FCK have facility like upload image fron local drive
Yeah but it's a bed idea because users can simply insert an image url instead of upload it and you don't have to save the entire image and lose space on the server.
+1  A: 

Personally I've found NicEdit to be quite good.

update: From the OP's comment it seems his current use of Nicedit does not have a vertical scroll bar. For that, simply limit the height of the textarea:

  #editableContent {
    height : 20em; /* this is the key */
  <textarea id="editableContent" name="editableContent"></textarea>
  var ed = new nicEditor();
nicedit, is presently am using , drawaback for nicedit is , no verticle scroll option./.
What do you mean no vertical scroll option? The way I use mine has scrolling. Surely that's more a CSS issue instead of NicEdit's fault.
tell ur URL plz
It's an internal FAQ server running on a local network so it won't be accssible from the internets. But what you do is simple, just give the containing textarea a height and it will automatically generate a scrollbar when you've typed beyond that height.
see my updated answer.
Hii got below error, i just followed ur stepsError: A.removeInstance is not a functionSource File: http://localhost/london-airporttaxi/feedback/js/nicEdit.jsLine: 37
I'm not on your network. I can't access that file. But if you've got nicEdit working before do what you were doing before. The only important part is the CSS.

I've used this really neat one on site called.. uhh.. Stack Overflow.
