



Hi all, i'm creating custom title for activity by disabling standard one and managing everything myself. I wonder if it's possible to replace/theme standart title to my needs.

I can customize size, background image, and text via themes by changing windowXYZStyle items.

The only thing i couldn't find - how i can add image instead of text. I've tried requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE) and assign custom layout - but it doesn't seems to work.

EDIT : Here is a report of testing suggestions, code is below - result - image view is not showing up.


public class SettingsActivity extends PreferenceActivity  {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        getWindow().setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE, R.layout.custom_title);



        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

+3  A: 

You could always use:


And then create your own title bar inside your Activity's View.

Dave Webb
Yeah that exactly what i'm doing now. I was thinking that there is a way to theme standard. For example title bar in preference activity. I really don't want to mess with custom layouts just for the sake of the title bar.
Alex Volovoy
I'm beginning to think this might be the best option. For a start, it would avoid the title bar flicker when the application opens as well as the hackish workaround I needed to use to remove the margins from the containing layer, so that I wouldn't see a grey border around the title bar.
+5  A: 

It's possible to set your own custom title layout, however the order of execution matters. You must do things in this order:

getWindow().setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE, R.layout.my_custom_title);

Additionally, you may need to increase the size of the title; if you don't, then the bottom of your custom layout may just be covered up by your Activity. You can change the size by adding a theme that specifies the title's size. This would go into a values XML file:

    <style name="LargeTitleTheme">
        <item name="android:windowTitleSize">40dip</item>

Then you'd need to set the theme for your Activity (or Application, if you want the entire application to have this custom title bar) in AndroidManifest.xml:

<activity android:name=".MyCustomTitleActivity" android:theme="@style/LargeTitleTheme" />
Daniel Lew
Hey Daniel, thanks for reply, i've did that before asking the question. It was late - so i might messed something up. Did you try this ? Try it in activity that extends PreferencesActivity and my_custom_title have a custom background and logo (as image view ) on it - for me it did assign custom title and text views did show up - image view in my_custom_title - didn't. Same goes for background - which can be solved by adding one more item to the LargeTitleTheme.
Alex Volovoy
I've done exactly what I outlined above (I took the example code from my source). However, I've never tried it on a PreferencesActivity before; perhaps there is some more that you must do to override that title bar. I am not sure I understand what your issue is now though; restate?
Daniel Lew
the issue is that image view is not showing up in the custom title. And i need slap an image with logo on it instead of text.
Alex Volovoy
It definitely works for a PreferenceActivity too; I believe you have to request the window feature before the call to `super.onCreate`.
i'll give it a try and report back
Alex Volovoy
Daniel, Christopher please take a look at edit - image view not showing up - what the hell i'm missing , apart from brain cell ?
Alex Volovoy

That exactly worked Christopher Orr.Thanks

Please don't post comments as answers.

Are you sure that you need to use an image in the title rather than just combining it as part of your background image and leaving the title blank? Using a NinePatch image I would expect that you would be able to achieve a result that would look good on regardless of the device?


suppose such icon, or image has been added, how can we get it by ID. during runtime? findviewbyid is not working for Title bar's elements

Mehran Gul