Wondering what to do about this. Googling but can't seem to find anything. I am using the Cycle Plugin for JQuery and works great in all browsers but IE of course. Same problem in IE 6, 7, and 8.
Expected identifier, string or number referring to line 13 of my js file. Anyone know what to do here?
js file:
$(document).ready(function() {
speed: 200,
timeout: 15000,
pager: '#tabs',
pagerEvent: 'mouseover',
pauseOnPagerHover: true,
pagerAnchorBuilder: function(i, slide){// callback fn for building anchor links: function(index, DOMelement)
return '<a href="path-to-link"><img src="../images/tabback.png' + slide.src + '" height="47" width="189" /></a>';
}); <------THIS IS LINE 13