



using Silverlight & Prism. i create a new scoped region inside a TabControl like so:

IRegionManager regionManager = tabControl.Add(viewRegions, UNIQUEID, true);

then from the TabControl SelectionChanged event i want to get the name of that region. so i go:

TabItem item = e.AddedItems[0] as TabItem;
FrameworkElement view = item.Content as FrameworkElement;
IRegionManager xxx = RegionManager.GetRegionManager(view);

so now i have the scoped region manager at hand = xxx!

but how do i get its name? (the "UNIQUEID" param i have assigned to it ).



If you have the RegionManager, and the View, then you can get the region Name (but I don't know why you'd ever want to). If you loop through the regionmanger like this you can get what you want. You'll have to keep a reference around to the scoped RegionManager, but there's no way around that. (There is some extra code demonstrating other things that someone might want to do too)

    private void UnloadRegion()
        foreach (IRegion region in xxx.Regions)
            for (int ix = region.ActiveViews.Count() - 1; ix >= 0; ix--)
               if (WhateverYourCurrentViewIs == region.ActiveViews.Last())
                    string RegionName = region.Name;
                    //there is the name
sorry but this does not work for me.when i add a scoped region inside some other region (a TabControl in my case) the newly added scoped region is not inside _RegionManager.Regions.
I know that. I'm saying that you'll have to go through the scoped region just the same as you would the _RegionManager
i don't get what u mean. how do i know the scoped region name?