
Do you use Microsoft's Prism (CompositeWPF) in commercial development?

Are you using or going to use Prism? I had experience with Composite Application block (composite UI for WinForms) and can say that it's an overengineered hard to use framework. I've taken a look at Prism and it seems to be better designed e.g. simple to use and fast. What do you think? ...

Will PRISM help?

I am considering building a application using PRISM (Composite WPF Guidance/Library). The application modules will be vertically partitioned (i.e. Customers, Suppliers, Sales Orders, etc). This is still all relatively easy... I also have a Shell with a main region were all the work will happen but now I need the following behavior: I nee...

Does CompositeWPF support multiple windows/shells?

I'm looking at using CompositeWPF ( - aka Prism, to build an application I am working on. The application isn't a traditional LOB application, however it does present data and state information to the user. One thing which I am unsure of is if CompositeWPF supports more than one Window or Shell. I w...

Prism and nested UserControl

I have been using Prism for two days and have successfully added and used existing UserControls on the new Shell. These UserControls contained only pure WPF Controls (buttons, lists etc). I now need to introduce existing UserControls that consists of other UserControls. If my understanding is correct, I believe I need to redevelop the...

How can I activate/deactivate a module's view after its initialization?

This relates to Composite Application Guidance for WPF, or Prism. I have one "MainRegion" in my shell. My various modules will be loaded into this main region. I can populate a list of available modules in a menu and select them to load. On the click of the menu I do: var module = moduleEnumerator.GetModule(moduleName); moduleLoader.In...

Module Loading with ModuleManager in Prism

This question was also posted on Prism's site on Codeplex. I am a little lost on loading modules on demand, and I hope you guys can enlighten me. I am using v2 #7. Here's what I want to accomplish: 1) I have 2 regions - one for buttons that instantiate the modules (MenuRegion), another to show the modules (MainRegion). Only one mo...

Resolving classes without registering them using Castle Windsor

Take the following useless program: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { IUnityContainer unityContainer = new UnityContainer(); IWindsorContainer windsorContainer = new WindsorContainer(); Program unityProgram = unityContainer.Resolve<Program>(); Program castleProgram = windsorContai...

Same module multiple times as TabItems

Here's my scenario: 1) Shell with 1 TabControl and 1 region called MenuRegion 2) MenuRegion contains Buttons for each of the available modules (applications). I want to achieve the following using Prism (Composite Application Library for WPF): When one of the buttons is clicked, I need to add a new TabItem to the TabControl, and load an...

Recommended Prism v2 Silverlight/WPF Project Structure

I'm currently tasked with teaching all the developers, in the company I work in, about Silverlight (v2). The only problem is that I don't have any real Silverlight experience myself. Of course I've studied all the technical details about stuff like databinding, layout etc. so I can help my colleagues. But one thing that is hard to find a...

Prism v2: seeking clarification on why modules need to "register view types with the shell"

I'm reading through the Prism v2 guidelines in which they state: During initialization, modules use the RegionManager to locate regions in the shell and add one or more views to those regions or register one or more view types to be created within those regions I understand that views are added in the bootstrapper e.g. in...

Decoupling Silverlight client from service reference generated class

I am researching Prism v2 by going thru the quickstarts. And I have created a WCF service with the following signature: namespace HelloWorld.Silverlight.Web { [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")] [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequiremen...

Is the ShellPresenter in Prism a (P)resenter as in the MVP pattern?

I'm tring to grok Prism (Composite Application Guidelines). What is the best way to understand the role of the ShellPresenter? Is it a presenter as in Model-View-Presenter? Is so, what is its relationship to the Shell? I understand that the ShellPresenter takes the Shell object as a parameter of its constructor and is responsible for ...

In Prism (Composite Application Guidelines), how can I get views dynamically loaded into TabControl?

In a Prism v2 application, I define two regions, each a tabitem in a tabcontrol: <UniformGrid Margin="10"> <TabControl> <TabItem Header="First" Name="MainRegion" cal:RegionManager.RegionName="MainRegion"/> <TabItem Header="Second" Name="SecondRegion" cal:RegionManager.RegionName="SecondRegion"/> </TabControl> </U...

How to get Prism RegionManager to add two views instead of only one

I'm using the Composite Application Guidelines (Version 2, Feb 2009). I've built the Shell with one region, a Bootstrapper and an Employee Module with two views, both of which I want the RegionManager to add to one region in the shell. However, only the last view added to the RegionManager is displayed in the region. What do I need to...

What does this mean in Prism/Unity: Container.Resolve<ShellPresenter>()

(from the StockTraderRIBootstrapper.cs file in the Prism V2 StockTrader example app) What is the difference between this: ShellPresenter presenter = new ShellPresenter(); and this: ShellPresenter presenter = Container.Resolve<ShellPresenter>(); I understand the second example is treating the container like a factory, walking up t...

More examples of Prism (Composite Application Library) Applications?

The examples that Microsoft's Patterns and Practices provides are quite helpful: about a half-dozen simpler QuickStarts which touch on specific issues the StockTrader reference implementation, which is a fairly rounded application but it lacks a more useful base application that reads and writes to a data source (XML or database), al...

Prism 2 SL : Remove View from Region when button clicked

I am new to Prism and I am trying to determine a best practice for deactivating a view in a Prism 2 application -- when a user clicks a button on the view I want to deactivate the view. The view is executing a command when the button is clicked. The view model is receiving the command but the viewmodel does not have a reference to the ...

PRISM2 commands and silverlight

Hi All, I have noticed a strange behaviour when using the command functionality in Silverlight: When the adding the commands:Click.Command and CommandParameter property, the IsEnabled property stops functioning: <Button Content="Delete" x:Name="Btn_Delete" Margin="0,0,8,0" MinWidth="75" commands:Click.Command="{Bi...

Problem with Binding Close Command to Button in a Tabcontrol datatemplate

Im Using Composite Aplication Guidiance Pattern for building my WPF application. In my Shell i have a tabcontrol wich contains a region for dynamicly load Views into the region. The views is loaded into new tabs in the TabControl. <TabControl AutomationProperties.AutomationId="MainTabControl" cal:RegionManager.Region...

Prism 2 for Silverlight with Unity - 'System.Threading.SynchronizationLockException'

I am using Unity with Silverlight and Prism 2. On my laptop (running Vista 32) I am seeing the following error in the output window in VS.NET 2008 SP1 - which I think is being caught internally by Unity. A first chance exception of type 'System.Threading.SynchronizationLockException' occurred in Microsoft.Practices.Unity On my desktop ...