



I am using JQGrid component for displaying ajax tree grid. With some quantity of data (tree with 200 branches, 2-3 items in each) - the grid begins to freeze in FireFox. Then I get a window asking whether to stop the script or continue.

What is the prescription to debug and resolve this? I can debug my code, but I am not sure how to debug js libraries and their nuances.

Is it more likely JQuery, JQGrid or FireFox problem?

+3  A: 

Use Firebug or IE 8's profiler to trace down the problem.

Note that jqGrid got significantly faster if you enable the gridview option in jqGrid 3.5+, though I don't think that works for trees. But start with the profiler.

Craig Stuntz
Indeed, greedview doesn't work with tree, but it's goal is to reduce the number of $() calls per grid item. I guess I need to follow this path
PHP thinker
+2  A: 

Probably, you are way over with this. Just linking for referencing purpose. Check out Deep Profiling jQuery Apps. A brilliant jQuery plugin that all you need to know how jQuery is freezing you.

Munim Abdul