



Instead of using the <input type="file"> tag I'd like to have a button that launches a file browser dialog.

My first thought was to have a hidden file input tag and a button. I'd use the button click on the button to fire the onclick of the hidden file input, but I haven't been able to get this working properly.

So the question is, is this even possible? And second is there a nicer way to do this and still be able to send the information back in a form?

This will be the bottom layer of degrading functionality (from Flash to JavaScript (our site doesn't work without JS)) so it has to work with just basic JS and HTML.

+5  A: 

Yes, it's possible (in most browsers) via opacity. Here's a tutorial.

Note that this is a security issue and action may be taken to prevent this in future browsers.
Possible? Yes. Recommended? No. Security issue? Definitely.
I've checked this out and it doesn't do quite what I want it to. And with the potential security/deprecation issues I won't be using it. Thanks for the response though.
+2  A: 

I've done this (see ceejayoz' answer) in the past, but now recommend against it. It is a security issue and can't be relied upon for the future. A much better solution is to progressively enhance your upload form so that the file input is replaced with a Flash- or Java-based uploader with more features (or use better features in HTML 5 if they become available).


Instead of trying to hack the browser's file input control, I'd suggest using a flash based file uploader like'>SWFUpload. I've started using this in one of my projects and have been VERY pleased with it.

You get javascript callbacks and you can do anything you want for a UI (the flash is just the uploading functionality).

Daniel Beardsley

It is possible to skin the dropdown without using Flash. Shaun Inman has a great tutorial on the matter:
