i want a jQuery modal box which is like the following shape, and also, it should opens near to the clicked button wherever it is.
Thank you so much.
i want a jQuery modal box which is like the following shape, and also, it should opens near to the clicked button wherever it is.
Thank you so much.
I'm not sure if there is one exactly how you want but here is a list of a few that you may be able to modify slightly.
This one in particular seems good
I don't think there's anything quite like what you're looking for out of the box. However, with a little customization and tweaking, you might be able to get pretty close to your goal.
To use a jQuery modal, simply design your modal div somewhere on your page (I usually do it at the very bottom) and give it an initial sytle of "display: none"
<div id="promotion_dialog" title="Choose a piece for promotion:" style="display: none;">
<table id="my_table"> .... </table>
If you design the div correctly, you might be able to create the shape you're looking for.
Then when the button is clicked, call a Javascript function that displays and positions the div:
function openPromotionDialog() {
$("#promotion_dialog").dialog({width: 350, height: 100, modal: true, zIndex: 10000});
See the jQuery UI Dialog docs for more information. Providing a position parameter to the dialog()
method should allow you to place it where you want (you'd need to examine the clicked button to get the positions).