



In some javascript, I have:

var url = "find.aspx?" + "location=" + encodeURIComponent( address );
alert( url );
location.href = url;

where the value of address is the string "Seattle, WA".

In the alert I see


as I expect.

But on the server side, when I look at Request.Url, the relevant substring I see is

find.aspx?Seattle, WA

And in the Firefox url window I see

find.aspx?location=Seattle%2C WA

So I'm getting three different representations whereas I would expect that in all three places I should see what I see in the alert. My expectation is that the url I assign to location.href should show up as-is in the browser url window, and should be passed as-is to the server in Request.Url (and I would need to decode the values on the server before using them). What's happening?

+2  A: 

Firefox converts certain encoded characters into their literal forms as a way to be friendly to users. It will also convert spaces typed into the address bar into %20 for the server.

Update: The reason Firefox doesn't display the comma unencoded is because commas are allowed in URLs, but spaces are not, so it knows that a space is going to be unambiguously interpreted, whereas the pre-encoded comma is different from a non-encoded comma to some servers. see:

ASP is probably trying to help you out by auto-un-encoding the string for you.

Update: It looks like ASP.NET unencodes Request.Url for you by default, as mentioned here: They also mention that you can use HttpRequest.Url.Query to access the un-decoded version.

The alert is the only thing not doing any "magic" for you.

Thanks for the quick reply. If firefox is trying to show a friendly version of the url, why would it leave the %2c instead of just showing it as a comma? As for ASP.NET, it seems confusing if it's just trying to "help me out". Do you know where it's documented that it does this? I have to know whether it always does the unencoding, because otherwise I could mess things up by unencoding twice, right?
M Katz
Encoding twice is prohibited by the URL specification and would indeed mess things up. Same for unencoding. That way, it is guaranteed that you can encode %2C as a string: `google/search?q=%252C` will search for "%2C" not for "," (double unencoding).
A follow-up on your update: `Request.QueryString.ToString()` is overriden and gives a re-encoded version. `bla.aspx?a=%20b` returns then `a=+b`, while `QueryString["a"]` would return `" b"` (without quotes). Also note that `Request.RawUrl` gives the exact input GET request (often *not* including the host and protocol part) and `Request.Url.Query` gives the undecoded input querystring *including the question mark*. Altogether a bit messy perhaps, but once you know what's where... ;-)

For your example you can change this line

var url = "find.aspx?" + "location=" + encodeURIComponent( address );


var url = "find.aspx?" + "location=" + address;

and see the address as it is. Bu if address variable contains any '&' character your variable will be corrupt. So you are using encodeURIComponent to encode these things url.

On the Server side all these encoded strings are decoded back. It means encodeURIComponent is just for sending the address variable (whether it contains & character or not) to server side correctly.

Thanks. Can you help me find where it's documented that ASP.NET automatically unencodes the url for you (if it does)?
M Katz
I assume: UrlDecodes is what you mean. It doesn't encode anything, you have to do that yourself for each link you create.
+1  A: 
Thanks for all the info. So I now understand that ASP.NET always assumes a single encode and always does a single decode for me (I would still like to see where this is documented explicitly). So then, it seems that the function Server.UrlDecode() wouldn't be used much. What are some times when you'd call this function?
M Katz
@M Katz: Correct, UrlDecode is normally not used for decoding an incoming URL. However, sometimes an URL becomes part of the query string, which will already be encoded. It really depends on your requrements, but while I use Encode often, I don't find myself using Decode equally much. You might think of UnescapeDataString, but read this first:
Follow-up: decoding is used internally already (see update). So the assumptions were correct, so far.
@Abel: thanks for doing this research.
M Katz
@M Katz, you're welcome. If you like the answer, consider upvoting and/or accepting it. Welcome at SO!