



I'm new to RoR, but familiar with MVC, REST, used a lot Symfony, Yii, CI and other smaller php frameworks. Now I want to learn Ruby on Rails.

Please help me find a complete tutorial for "dummies", which describes creating web application from scratch on RoR. This is like Symfony's Askeet and Jobeet tutorials.

Thanks for any help!

Update: Ok, thanks for all your answers! You helped me a lot and I choose an answer with most of votes.


I suggest you to get a copy of the book "Agile Web Develpment with Ruby on Rails"

A: starts from scratch text a bit longer than the previous one but goes in more detail

+2  A: 

I'd suggest you learn Ruby first. Because it's completely different from what PHP can offer. If you start learning framework, you won't embrace everything it has to offer unless you'll know Ruby's nuts'n'bolts.


Agile Web Develpment with Ruby on Rails is the better choice. However, be cient that RoR is very "dynamic", many changes in the API are very constants making the available tutorials outdated. I learned RoR only because i don't like PHP, ruby is a great language and the cost of Rails web-app hosting isn't so expensive than Java web-app hosting

+3  A: contains a lot of (topic sorted) tutorials. Created by the maintainers of Rails? At least they are the 'official' guides to learn Rails I suppose.

Furthermore I totally agree on learning Ruby first as others also suggested. Personally, I liked Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book. It is written in an easy way, so it is not that boring to read about a new language (when knowing a lot about other languages already)
