



Are there any good tutorials how to start weppapp with Spring 3, eclipse and hibernate?

+1  A: 

Spring MVC step by step was an excellent way to start with Spring, but I doubt that it's kept up with version 3.0.

There may not be one source that will give you all that you want, but perhaps a combination of examples can get you there.

I don't see how Eclipse is relevant here at all. Using an IDE, packaging an application, deploying it, and starting the app server in the IDE are orthogonal to the problem of writing a web app in Spring 3.0 and Hibernate. I'd separate the two.


SpringSource ToolSuite (STS) is a repackaged version of Eclipse 3.5 optimised for Spring development. Aside from the usual collection of plugins, it also includes a large number of interactive tutorials for building different kinds of Spring apps.

+2  A: 

Not really a tutorial but, for an overview of the Spring 3.0 web stack, I'd recommend... Overview of the Spring 3.0 Web Stack. Quoting the Summary on InfoQ:

In this presentation from SpringOne 2009, Keith Donald discusses the Spring 3.0 web stack, key Spring Framework and Spring MVC features, demos of Spring MVC capabilities, REST support, validation support, automatic data conversion, data binding and validation, Joda Time support, Spring JavaScript, Dojo, Spring Web Flow, Spring Security, Spring BlazeDS, and the roadmap for the Spring web stack.

For the persistence, maybe have a look at JPA 2.0 and Spring 3.0 with Maven. But the documentation is still the best resource IMO. See the Section 13.3, "Hibernate".

Regarding the IDE, Spring Tool Suite will indeed give you the best user experience.

Pascal Thivent
I'm glad people are finding my blog post useful :)
Paul Szulc

To jumpstart a Spring+Hibernate webapp, you might also wanna take a look at Spring Roo and follow one of their tutorials, such as the wedding RSVP application.

Michal Bachman
+1  A: 

I am writing a step-by-step tutorial to build a webapp based on Spring 3 and Hibernate.


Here are two tutorial which have step by step instruction with screen shots to get you started

Spring JDBC Tutorial

Spring JPA Tutorial

Another post on Spring 3 Asynchronous method invocation in Spring 3.0
