



I have to present a prototype of an web app in the following days to one of my clients, the thing is I'm not so good at CSS and worst of all I'm almost never happy with the results I get.

Coding the business logic poses no challenge to me, the UI design however takes more than 80% of my time. I don't need nothing breathtaking, just a clean, nice and presentable environment, an example:

alt text

This is a recurring problem I've been having, I wish web UI development could have a less naked default style, an approach similar to Visual Studio or iPhone SDK would be very useful to me.

The above mockup created with Balsamiq Mockups is a great example, all the most common "components" are available to use, and best of all: there is only one good-looking style to choose from.

Is there something like this for the web? A neutral yet nice CSS or Javascript UI framework?

Options so far:

I'm interested in knowing if there are any CSS-only UI frameworks.

I found this page with a very nice list of Web UI Libraries, but most of them (at least the good ones) seem to be specific to Java, are there any equally good alternatives in pure CSS or JS?

PS: I'm not interested in AJAX, effects, behaviors and so on... my main (only) concern is style.

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!

After a very careful consideration of all the UI libraries suggested, I've come to the conclusion that ExtJS and Qooxdoo are the ones that most closely fit my needs. jQuery UI seems promising but only offers a reduced amount of elements.

As far as CSS-only libraries go I've found BlueTrip / BluePrint and the themes suggested by tambler to be the best. Aside from that, Flex and Napkee also seem to be worth exploring.

Time to learn ExtJS now! =)

+3  A: 

There are a few frameworks aimed at (G)UI Design; Qooxdoo, JQuery UI and MochaUI being a few of them (although the last is more a proof-of-concept than a usable framework). These frameworks usually offer a variety of JS-powered elements (form elements, such as input fields and submit buttons, but other elements like tabs as well). However, it will still be up to you to position these elements, and perhaps style them, to your liking.

Perhaps familiarizing yourself with a CSS framework (such as 960GS) might complement the above JS UI Frameworks.

(As a personal disclaimer; I have very little experience with any of the frameworks mentioned above. But I'm sure either Google or SO can provide answers I can't.)

Duroth really doesn't do a lot of styling - you want something like Bluetrip ( for that. really just provides a grid-based layout.
Dominic Rodger
I took a peek into the frameworks you suggested, qooxdoo seems overly complicated (everything seems to be defined in via Javascript - even form inputs, etc..), MochaUI has a really nice interface with very cool neutral colors, I haven't seen the source code of it but it also seems rather limited (lots of elementary styles are missing). jQuery UI seems the best option so far. is nice but like Dominic said it's not for styling.
Alix Axel
+1  A: 

Have you tried Axure? It's a tool for rapidly creating wireframes, prototypes and specifications for applications and web sites.

It works in a similar way to Balsamiq, but it allows you to export your wireframes/prototype as HTML, CSS and Javascript.

You can then upload this to a server or run it on your computer as a working example.

You can create forms, links, tabs, rollovers, Javascript effects.

Jonny Haynes
Thanks, Axure seems nice but it's not what I'm after.
Alix Axel
+5  A: 

What about using dojo and dijit?

Dijit is a fast way to create widgets and elements. It also comes with 3 default themes which are easy to modify.

A good list of different widgets here

dijit seems like what I need, however I cannot access the page - don't know why.
Alix Axel
Which page is it that you can't access?
@peirix: dijit, but it's working now. =) I'll take a better look at it as soon as I get near a computer (I'm currently browsing with a phone).
Alix Axel
+10  A: 

A combination of 960gs for layout and jQuery-UI for styling is probably what you are after.

You could also consider the blueprint CSS framework instead of 960gs.

Shane O'Grady
You mean the jQuery UI JS framework or the jQuery UI CSS framework?
Alix Axel
Apologies for the confusion, I meant he jQuery UI CSS framework for styling. But there is no reason that you could not also incorporate the JS widgets framework too.
Shane O'Grady
Thanks, I'll look into that. =)
Alix Axel
+2  A: 

This won't help you out for your current project, but it's worth considering for future projects. After spending many years creating GUI applications in HTML 4 and constantly wrestling against the limitations of CSS and HTML, I thought I'd try out Adobe Flex. What an improvement!

Rather than faking a tabbed page control or data grid, with Flex or Silverlight, your markup can simply specify a tabbed page control or data grid. And the frameworks come with default styles that are boring but not at all bad. I'm not saying these completely replace HTML, but if you need widgets and GUI layout, I believe they're a much better alternative.

Thanks, I'm looking forward in learning Flex / Air.
Alix Axel
Flex is really great tool but consider these days the world moving toward HTML 5 and flex has many problems with size and multi lingual where javascript wins and what do you think about the price but i Still think of flex is great tool
I really hope a pure HTML/Javascript/CSS solution for applications will emerge from the standards process.
Flex may be rather bulky, and not be as search-engine-friendly... but the system cannot be beat in my opinion. I am not a 'senior' web developer, but I truly see the benefit of working within the flex framework. Adobe has a really good system going. Just being able to code for desktop/web/AND mobile with ONE framework/standardized means of delivery is valuable beyond words.
Derek Adair
+1  A: 

A combination of 960gs for layout and jQuery-UI or Jquery tools is great i use them almost in every project but i'd like to add to although its not a business friendly so make sure to check out its license but i like it

Make sure to check out cufon if you are interested in typography
+1  A: 

If you are already using Balsamic Mockups for your prototypes then you should consider Napkee. To quote the website "Napkee lets you to export Balsamiq Mockups to HTML/CSS/JS and Adobe Flex 3 at a click of a button."

Wow, that's pretty nice. I'll consider using it, thanks!
Alix Axel
+1  A: 

I ran into this awhile ago, and couldn't find anything, so I took it as an opportunity to learn css. But since then it seems great strides have been made towards this subject.

  • Summarizing your problem, there is a wikipedia page.
  • There is yaml-css, which takes yaml and turns it into css
  • There is baseline, but it assumes some css knowledge.
  • I'd also suggest looking at Adobe's Dreamweaver. They have a lot of css and style generation tools which produce very readable and w3c compatible code.

I hope that helps.

+1  A: 

I recently discovered a nice website called where you can create a mockup of your application/website/project online without installing anything. It also has most of the common controls, along with much more features for managing thw whole project and sharing it with others online.

I must admit, i didn't try it yet myself, but i looked at it a bit and it seems pretty cool. I'll probably be using it soon enough.

It's a very nice alternative to Balsamiq, my browser is very slow ATM but from a first impression it seems to be worth the money, thanks.
Alix Axel
+2  A: 

You might consider browsing the following site:

There are several "Administrative" themes available for purchase here that may suit your needs.

Some very nice neutral themes in there, thanks!
Alix Axel
+2  A: 

Check out Google Web Toolkit. It has a pretty clean default look. They have examples . In particular, their Showcase example demonstrates all of the available widgets and the css styling used to achieve the look.

Abtin Forouzandeh
GWT is for Java only right?
Alix Axel
GWT UI's are written in java. GWT then takes that java and transforms it into pure html/javascript.
Abtin Forouzandeh
This is also the first one that came to my mind too.
Benny Jobigan
+5  A: 

I can't believe nobody has mentioned:

Its a commercial js frameworks, but pretty affordable, and makes putting together a nice UI a breeze. There's a much more complete set of elements then jqueryui, and its designed to make an entire app. I've only played with it a little, but I really love it so far. Free for personal use.

If you really want to get a feel for a complete UI developed with EXT, try this url:

@Erik: Thanks for the suggestion. Do you know any books / tutorials you can recommend? I'm having a little trouble figuring out how I should integrate ExtJS into a typical PHP MVC application.
Alix Axel
Best place to start is the tutorials that EXT offers: As far as integrating it with your PHP framework I couldn't say -- but these are your HTML pages, so you'd integrate them they way you'd integrate any other page, wouldn't you?
+1  A: 

wireframe mockups like that are a brilliant way to start.

Having used most of the UI framewroks discussed here, I'd liek to steer you towards jQueryUi for the following reasons:

  1. jQueryUI CSS framework takes care of the consistent and cool looking CSS for you (it's really easy - just make some markup and apply the classes)

  2. jQueryUI has tabcontrol, and heaps on neat quick easy ways to style forms.

From all the suggested options I'm more inclined to ExtJS, have you ever used it? How do you compare it to jQuery UI?
Alix Axel
ExtJS is very mature, and complete. Be aware that it is dual licensed GPL and commercial. It really is a widget interface aimed at very rich UI's. So if you want something more 'corporate' and less 'friendly', it's not a bad choice at all.Only thing is it has a bit of a learning curve, it really is a whole framework unto itself. More like GUI programming than web.Good luck
+3  A: 

My best advice to you is to pair up with someone who DOES excel at UI design.

Assuming the 20% of the time you're coding the business logic of a web app is worth something (meaning you are objectively good at it)... Your time will be better off spent sticking with the business logic and mastering it, while you learn to interface with someone else who excels at presentation.

Business logic and presentation are very different as I see them. Designing a system that not only looks good, but is intuitive and easy to use is quite difficult. Equally as difficult as establishing the frameworks and inter workings of a complex application.

A good interface is not as simple as including a css framework.

For example, I consider myself to be a more 'creative' programmer who does excel in presentation. I happened to be lucky enough to cross path's with someone who was, first of all... very motivated, and second of all very good at 'business logic'. He had a lot more experience planning and implementing complex systems, while I mainly have been focusing on interface design.

If you are more productive doing system architecture, planning, developing, whatever... you should push yourself in that direction.

The challenge is finding someone who you work well with.

Derek Adair
+1  A: 

If you are targeting modern, non IE, browsers, then you should check out Sproutcore. For mockups I use mockingbird.

Thanks, mockingbird really made my day! As for Sproutcore it seems nice, but some of the demos look kinda buggy in Firefox 3.5.7.
Alix Axel