



I've used JAXWS-RI 2.1 to create an interface for my web service, based on a WSDL. I can interact with the web service no problems, but haven't been able to specify a timeout for sending requests to the web service. If for some reason it does not respond the client just seems to spin it's wheels forever.

Hunting around has revealed that I should probably be trying to do something like this:

((BindingProvider)myInterface).getRequestContext().put("", 10000);
((BindingProvider)myInterface).getRequestContext().put("", 10000);

I also discovered that, depending on which version of JAXWS-RI you have, you may need to set these properties instead:

((BindingProvider)myInterface).getRequestContext().put("", 10000);
((BindingProvider)myInterface).getRequestContext().put("", 10000);

The problem I have is that, regardless of which of the above is correct, I don't know where I can do this. All I've got is a Service subclass that implements the auto-generated interface to the webservice and at the point that this is getting instanciated, if the WSDL is non-responsive then it's already too late to set the properties:

MyWebServiceSoap soap;
MyWebService service = new MyWebService("");
soap = service.getMyWebServiceSoap();

Can anyone point me in the right direction?!


Not sure if this will help in your context...

Can the soap object be cast as a BindingProvider ?

MyWebServiceSoap soap;
MyWebService service = new MyWebService("");
soap = service.getMyWebServiceSoap();
// set timeouts here
((BindingProvider)soap).getRequestContext().put("", 10000);

On the other hand if you are wanting to set the timeout on the initialization of the MyWebService object then this will not help.

This worked for me when wanting to timeout the individual WebService calls.

Ron Tuffin
I am a complete noob at this webServices thing, so...
Ron Tuffin

the easiest way to avoid slow retrieval of the remote WSDL when you instantiate your SEI is to not retrieve the WSDL from the remote service endpoint at runtime.

this means that you have to update your local WSDL copy any time the service provider makes an impacting change, but it also means that you have to update your local copy any time the service provider makes an impacting change.

When I generate my client stubs, I tell the JAX-WS runtime to annotate the SEI in such a way that it will read the WSDL from a pre-determined location on the classpath. by default the location is relative to the package location of the Service SEI

    <binding dir="${dao.helter.dir}/src/resources/schema/helter" includes="*.xsd"/>
<copy todir="${dao.helter.dir}/build/bin/generated/com/helter/esp/dao/helter/jaxws/wsdl">
    <fileset dir="${dao.helter.dir}/src/resources/schema/helter" includes="*" />

the wsldLocation attribute tells the SEI where is can find the WSDL, and the copy makes sure that the wsdl (and supporting xsd.. etc..) is in the correct location.

since the location is relative to the SEI's package location, we create a new sub-package (directory) called wsdl, and copy all the wsdl artifacts there.

all you have to do at this point is make sure you include all *.wsdl, *.xsd in addition to all *.class when you create your client-stub artifact jar file.

(in case your curious, the @webserviceClient annotation is where this wsdl location is actually set in the java code

@WebServiceClient(name = "httpServices", targetNamespace = "", wsdlLocation = "./wsdl/helterHttpServices.wsdl")
Helter Scelter
+1  A: 

I know this is old and answered elsewhere but hopefully this closes this down. I'm not sure why you would want to download the WSDL dynamically but the system properties: (default: -1 (forever)) (default: -1 (forever))

should apply to all reads and connects using HttpURLConnection which JAX-WS uses. This should solve your problem if you are getting the WSDL from a remote location - but a file on your local disk is probably better!

Next, if you want to set timeouts for specific services, once you've created your proxy you need to cast it to a BindingProvider (which you know already), get the request context and set your properties. The online JAX-WS documentation is wrong, these are the correct property names (well, they work for me).

MyInterface myInterface = new MyInterfaceService().getMyInterfaceSOAP();
Map<String, Object> requestContext = ((BindingProvider)myInterface).getRequestContext();
requestContext.put(BindingProviderProperties.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 3000); // Timeout in millis
requestContext.put(BindingProviderProperties.CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 1000); // Timeout in millis

Of course, this is a horrible way to do things, I would create a nice factory for producing these binding providers that can be injected with the timeouts you want.
