



I am experiencing a slow memory leak in both IE and Firefox using a combination of ASP.NET AJAX and jQuery. My scenario is very similar to the one described here : except using jquery and AJAX, not protyotype: I have a webpage displaying data in an UpdatePanel that is refreshed every 60 seconds using a timer. in the AJAX javascript pageLoad function that is called on every "partial postback", I re-bind events because they are lost in the partial postback:

function pageLoad(sender, args) {
        function() {
            // do something
        function() {
            // do something

so this is called every 60 seconds. Could this alone be the cause of a memory leak?

+2  A: 

Do this instead:

$(function() { //.ready shortcut...
    function() {
        // do something
    function() {
        // do something

Note, this requires jQuery 1.4.1, but acts entirely different in terms of memory. It attaches to the entire DOM watching for the event to bubble instead of attaching a new event to every object your're inserting every 60 seconds.

Nick Craver
i had to use mouseover, mouseout instead of hover - there's only 1 function parameter. are there limitations on which events work? I am having trouble with .scroll and .resize (resize on the window object).
@unknown: Only certain events work, see here for a complete list: Note that jQuery 1.4 added support for many more event types to .live(), it's one of the big 1.4 features.
Nick Craver
Nick - I am able to replace mouseover type events, but I haven't found a way around recreating controls that "go away" on partial postback. a progressbar in particular, i need to re-create this every partial postback so I unbind, then instantiate (every 60 seconds) and I believe this is where my memory leak is. any way around this?
@unknown (yahoo) - You don't have to unbind with actually listens up at the document level and will work for newly created elements as's not tied to the elements your wiping out like `$("#item").click(` would be. Just don't unbind and you should be set.
Nick Craver
i am asking about how to handle this for items that live doesn't support. for example, I have to ("#myPB").undbind(); ("#myPB).progressbar(); to re-create progressbars every partial postback

Yes, it could be.

The first thing to try would be to take the two functions defined there (if possible) and place them in a higher level so that they are only defined once.

Kyle Butt