I'm trying to create a POST request, unfortunately the body of the POST never seems to be sent.
Below is the code that I'm using. The code is invoked when a user clicks on a link, not a form "submit" button. It runs without error, invokes the servlet that is being called but, as I mentioned earlier, the body of the POST never seems to be sent.
I can validate that the request body is never sent since I have access to the servlet being called.
I've tried using "parameters" in replace of "requestBody." I've also tried using a parameter string (x=a?y=b). I've also validated that "ckULK" does contain a valid value.
Any ideas?
new Ajax.Request(sURL,
method: 'POST'
, contentType: "text/x-json"
, requestBody: {ulk:ckULK}
, onFailure:
vJSONResp = transport.responseText;
var JSON = eval( "(" + vJSONResp + ")" );
updateStatus(JSON.code + ": " + JSON.message);
} // End onFailure
, onSuccess:
if (200 == transport.status)
vJSONResp = transport.responseText;
log.value += "\n" + transport.status;
} // End onSuccess
}); // End Ajax.request