



Hi I am Rupeshit. I download IntelliJ Idea 9.0 community version and now I want to create a gwt application in it but I am not getting that GWt option while creating the project.I also saw some video on google but still not get solutions.We add to add plugin for IntelliJ idea for gwt as we are doing it for Ecllipse or what is the method. Please reply me as soon as possible.

+1  A: 

I would bet that IntelliJ 9 can support GWT right out of the box (it should include the GWT plugin), but you'll have to turn it on. I'm using IntelliJ 8 still, but you can probably go to the File menu --> Configure plugins, and then look for it under JavaEE/Web plugins.

IntelliJ 8 includes the GWT plugin, but I'm not sure if it's turned on or not by default.
+1  A: 

I have been building gwt apps with the 9.0 community edition using the following build a configuration too run dev mode:

vm-params: -Xmx256M
program-params: -war \path\to\my\war -startupUrl index.html

where your module descriptor is com/my/module/EntryFile.gwt.xml

Also make sure that have your java client source on run configuration's classpath along with gwt-user.jar, gwt-servlet.jar and gwt-dev.jar. Your source path is needed so devMode will pick up changes to your java code when rendering your application. It takes a little more work to set up a gwt project with idea9CE, but the price is right. I started by using webappCreator utility to initialize a project and then built my idea module around that.

If you are looking for a turn key solution, I think you will have to get the enterprise version, or use eclipse.
