



I just recently learned of SVN's auto-versioning feature for WebDAV. Although I understand this is not replacement for proper versioning, with messages documenting change sets, it strikes me as a solid and safe replacement to Dropbox (minus nice GUIs and web pages). However, since commits in auto-versioning are frequent, I'd imagine that Git or Hg would be better suited for this, just because of their more compact databases (although I wonder if the distributed nature of things could make the automation ugly for resolving conflicts).

Is this a feature that has been implemented using Git or Hg, as far as anyone knows?


It seems that nobody has yet written autoversioning for other VCSs than SVN. As the WebDAV/DeltaV support is implemented in SVN server, it is not possible to just switch the VCS to other than SVN.

Plain WebDAV access is possible with pretty much all DVCS'es, but they enable only accessing the repository for WebDAV clients and push operations for the DVCS' own client, but no autoversioning.

Some links to read more about:


How to do in GIT please help?

Mo Mo