




We have a fairly large system involving multiple applications running on Windows, written in .NET. These include a number of web applications using ASP.NET.

We have a number of unrelated web applications written in LAMP - Linux/Apache/MySQL/Php.

The greatest advantage we've seen in ASP.NET is the ease with which code can be shared between web applications, win-form applications, windows console applications, and windows services. We have signficant code in .NET assemblies that are shared across all of these environments.

Apache/Php has some significant advantages over ASP.NET as a web programming environment, but if there is anything in it that is equivalent to .NET when it comes to integrating code that is shared across non-web applications, I'm unaware of it.

So I'm asking. Are there any technologies that provide the same sort of easy and seamless integration of shared code modules between Apache/Php and non-web applications?

+1  A: 

The only environment with most of what you are asking for is Java.

Take the same code, stick it in a swing app, servlet, applet, heck even throw it in a mobile device, it'll work. JDBC should be a nice abstraction over most databases, so you're clear in that area.

Other than that, requesting something similar over the LAMP stack is something I believe does not exist at the moment.

Yuval A
I'd been aware of Mono, and it didn't look quite ready for prime time. Java I'd not considered, and I should have.
Jeff Dege

Not that I know of, but I do know that Mono has a runtime module that can be plugged into Apache, effectively running an ASP.NET application under it. See here on the blog on how to do this.

Edit: As per Robert's comment, the link on that blog is broken! Here's the official link to sourceforge.net. Sorry!

Hope this helps, Best regards, Tom.

Blog entry has broken link to the required software.
Robert Harvey
@Robert: Here's the link...did not know it was broken, Sorry! http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-aspdotnet/