There are several very high quality web frameworks out there today, and everyone seems to be able to find one that becomes their favorite. Then, they have nothing but good things to say about the framework in question, and they relate their personal experiences on how the framework has made web development more enjoyable for them.
That's excellent, and the web framework-related questions I've seen on stackoverflow have been answered in helpful ways while avoiding flame wars and so on - that says a lot about the people who participate here and it's a pleasure to read quality content.
So here's my question: sure, there are 99 reasons to love your favorite web framework, but what is that 1 extra feature that you wish it had? Or that 1 area that you think could use some improvement?
Hopefully we've moved past the "my framework is better than your framework" pointless discussions, and we've also realized that all frameworks have their sweet spots. I certainly respect people who can admit that their favorite framework is not perfect, and I'd like to read about the types of features that people find are missing or could be improved. Who knows, the developers of those frameworks might hear you and implement/improve those features!
Thanks in advance for your responses.