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Xcode and makefile

Hey all,

What I want to achieve: I'm porting an application to iPhone and I need to run some scripts on the generated assembly by the compiler (our optimization stuff) and then compile it to an executable. I always used a standard make file and did something like this

gcc -S -c my_source.c # compile and generate ASM my_source.s # optimizations
gcc CCFLAGS my_source.s # compile

Unfortunately, there's no way to generate makefile from xcode projects (I tried some tools, but none of them actually works). I was wondering if any of you got a solution for my problem. I know I can write a makefile from scratch, but it's not a good idea. Any other solutions are welcomed too.



You can do this by changing the default rules for your target in Xcode so that .c files are treated specially. You would then use a custom script for compiling .c files rather than the default behaviour.

Select your target, Get Info, then look at the Rules tab.

Paul R
It might help, but I'm not really sure how. I tried to add a simple rule for processing *.s files (the assembly files created during the compilation), but it didn't work. If I try to change the default rule for C files, it tells me that I can't because it's a system rule.Google shows mostly example for custom files, but none for C/*.S files. Got any example?
There are several different ways of doing this. In my case I have .pl files which generate .c files, so it's a little different from your case. Easiest solution would probably be to use a different suffix for your .c files. Another approach is to define a new source type which still has a .c suffix with its own build script and then for your .c source files which you want to preprocess specially you change their type from `sourcecode.c.c` to your custom type.
Paul R