



I'm starting to get my head around node.js, and I'm trying to figure out how I would do normal MVC stuff. For example, here's a Django view that pulls two sets of records from the database, and sends them to be rendered in a template.

def view(request):
    things1 = ThingsOne.objects.all()
    things2 = ThingsTwo.objects.all()
    render_to_response('template.html, {'things1': things1, 'things2': things2})

What might a similar node.js function look like?


That might be:

var view = function(request) {
    var things1 = Things.objects.all();
    var things2 = Things.objects.all();
    render_to_response('template.html', { things1: things1, things2: things2 });

Or if you have asynchronous API:

var view = function(request) {
    var model = {};
    Things.objects.getAll(function(things1) {
        model.things1 = things1;
        if(model.things2) {
            render_to_response('template.html', model);
    Things.objects.getAll(function(things2) {
        model.things2 = things2;
        if(model.things1) {
            render_to_response('template.html', model);
Vytautas Jakutis
Is that a guess? Since all IO in node.js is non-blocking, I'm thinking you'd need to define callbacks for Things1, Things2 and render_to_response...
Chip Tol
It is just a translation to JavaScript syntax :] It is more efficient to access database asynchronously, but I do not know your API :} I'll edit my answer and add another, asynchronous variant.
Vytautas Jakutis
Thanks for the code, Vytautas. In this case the API is node.js, which is at So, it's not an abstract question, but related to that toolset directly.
Chip Tol is not a web framework, it is just a javascript runtime platform, so you probably should not expect MVC methods like render_to_response or Things.objects.get to be part of the API.
Vytautas Jakutis
+3  A: 

I've found to be a big help in getting me up-to-speed.

Chip Tol
+1  A:
