Environment : PHP/MySQL/Jquery
I would like to refresh the page (ex: index.php) when new data stores in to the table (ex : new_entry_table) checking for every one minute. The same page will be opened in many machines(pc-browsers) at a time all should get refresh when new data arises.
using jquery and database check i tried the following:
$.post("new_data_check.php", function(data) {
if(data > 0){
return false;
: checks for new data in the test_db where newdata_field=0 ;
: If any new data arises echo "1"; And update the newdata_field=1; to stop constantly refreshing the page.
: else echo "0";
: Just for a trigger
So the above jquery code checks new_data_check.php every 1 min for the trigger , if any trigger arises it will refresh the container.But its getting refresh only one opened session other opened sessions(in other browser or other pc) not getting refreshed.
Suggest a better way to do this. Thanks.