Ok, im used to see some more syntax highlighting, and the default syntax highlighting is really limited in VS 2008, so i was thinking, is there such highlighting somewhere:
- defined variables would have own color.
- defined functions would have own color.
- predefined functions would have own color (from libs etc, would have own list for these perhaps).
- constants/enums would have own color.
- typedefs/defs would have own color.
- strings (stuff between quotes) would have own color.
- floats/doubles would be colored differently (would check for 1.0f or 1.0 etc)
Because this would be totally awesome, i havent seen 1,2,4,5 in any syntax highlighting systems before, it would be nice to have such. This would speed up programming a lot since if i make a mistake i would see it instantly before compiling.
I watched some MSDN site and it was pretty complicated to do it, so im hoping if theres already existing stuff so i could just download it and so on.