I have found related posts here but they don't apply completely.
I want to create a desktop like (RIA) web app, and I have several constrains:
- I want to move as much computation as possible to the client and save money on hardware or hosting plans
- I don't want to compile (qooxdoo and gwt are out)
- I need to be able to create UI elements on the fly, generated by user actions
- I want independence from server side technology (don't know what my hosting is going to be)
- Since this looks like a client / server app already: I need data binding in the browser
- And storage to put session state
- And widgets with events
I have short listed:
- tibco gi (http://www.tibco.com/devnet/gi/)
- dojo (http://dojotoolkit.org/)
- smartclient (http://www.smartclient.com)
The problem is, they all look awesome, but I know the devil is in the details.
For example I have heard that dojo is slow but I can't prove it or disprove it without actually spending a week on it (this is a part time personal project done at night mostly). Another example, Smartclient is said to be used by a lot of big companies which is supposed to be a good thing but it may very well be because of support arrangements and not technical merit alone. Also, their web site is soooo ugly that erodes the general initial impression.
I'm leaning towards Tibco GI -- BSD is good -- and mostly I would like to know if I will be repeating somebody else's big mistake
So, does anybody have any feedback on this? Any dos and don'ts ? Comments, trolls?
Any info will be appreciated
Thanks Jaime