




I am working on processing CDA messages for a Java application. CDA is yet another XML standard for sending medical information, it is closely related to CCD and HL7v3.

I have already reviewed the following libraries and found them lacking, promising, but lacking.

  • JAXB - Feed it a CDA XSD and let it generate classes. It'll work, but it doesn't really provide much more than a Java layer to access the XML
  • HL7 JavaSIG from Regenstreif - Promising, but half the project appears to be hidden under the label "encumbered" with little information about how to gain access or get that data through proper channels.
  • MDHT - Early releases, tightly bound to the modeling tools in Eclipse. Seems like it'll work, but very steep learning curve.

I do have access to resources at HL7.org.

Any ideas for other libraries to look at? Communities to visit to ask experts?


You might find this project more focused (e.g. less learning curve than MDHT)


Possible, still looks like its geared more towards modeling than doing actual processing. Will dig into it a bit.
I've never had a lot of luck finding plug-and-play HL7 solutions. Between the proprietary nature of the standard, and the high degree of optionality in how it is implemented, useful libraries seem sparse. As another avenue of investigation, I've seen a lot of references to Perl scripts for processing. Definitely interested to see what other responses you get.

Two options are creeping to the top of my list:

MDHT - mdht.projects.openhealthtools.org/ Braid - http://braid.sourceforge.net

MDHT has a lot of extras on it beyond what one NEEDS to produce or consume and utilize CDA/CCD messages. Braid is purportedly proven, having participated in a few IHE Connectathons.

I'll keep posting here until I give up or find an answer.

It is infuriating that these standards are published without a useful reference library in a major language, but thats another thread.

Went with MDHT. Active project, good help on their users mailing list.Braid is fine for CREATING CDA but can't parse raw XML.

i also meet this problem, can you tell me how you solved this issue finally?

Chris Cheung
Yes. Look at the accepted answer.