




I am trying to create a user interface using XAML. However, the file is quickly becoming very large and difficult to work with. What is the best way for splitting it across several files.

I would like to be able to set the content of an element such as a ComboBox to an element that is defined in a different xaml file (but in the same VS project).


+7  A: 

You can split up XAML files by using a ResourceDictionary. The ResourceDictionary can be used to merge other files:

      <ResourceDictionary Source="myresourcedictionary.xaml"/>
      <ResourceDictionary Source="myresourcedictionary2.xaml"/>

In the ResourceDictionary, you can also declare Styles that you can use at your elements, such that the main XAML file gets smaller.

Another possibility to get a smaller XAML file is to define your own controls that you then use in your main app.


Use styles and user controls. Divide your interface on smaller parts and code them in another xaml files. Example:

... <!--very long style-->
.. <!--content of very big control-->

divide it into three xaml files:
Window.xaml - this will be Window
VeryBigControl.xaml - this will be UserControl
VeryBigControlStyle.xaml - this will be resource dictionary
and so on :)

+7  A: 

You can split a large user interface by defining UserControls.

Right-click on the solution tree, choose Add->New Item... then User Control. You can design this in the normal way.

You can then reference your usercontrol in XAML using a namespace declaration. Let's say you want to include your UserControl in a Window. In the following example I've added a UserControl named "Foo" to the namespace "YourCompany.Controls":

<Window x:Class="YourCompany.MainWindow"

  <Controls:Foo ... />

For your specific example, you would make use of your usercontrol in a combobox by defining a DataTemplate that displayed the data within your usercontrol.

Thanks. that was exactly what i needed.
Dave Turvey