



Is there a good tool to quickly create a diagram that illustrates a folder structure? I've tried doing it with Visio, but I find that it takes longer to do in Visio than it would to just create the folder structure and then take screen shots with windows explorer. For rather simple folder structures, it's not a real problem but when start to involve lots of sub folders and nested 4-5 deep, it gets annoying. Ideally, I'd like something that makes it at least as easy as creating the equivalent structure in windows explorer.

+1  A: 

You can create a quick html with javascript showing a treeview. Perhaps this will help: ? Load it up in a browser and take a snapshot.

+1. Not too shabby.
David Stratton
+1  A: 

I am sure this is not what you're looking for, but it's a nice interim trick.. You can use the DOS TREE command from the root of a drive and redirect to a text file like so from a command prompt:

Tree > myFile.txt

or (nicer looking)

Tree /A > myFile.txt

But that's not a programming answer...

I have used it for documentation purposes, and with the /F flag you get the file names, too.

David Stratton