




I use Windows 7 64-bit with 4 GB RAM to run a Windows Virtual PC Guest with Windows 2008 Server, Visual Studio 2008 SP1/Resharper 4.5 and SQL Server 2008. The guest has 2 GB RAM allocated.

I have a web project using MS Commerce Server 2009 that runs in IIS which intermittently fails to start in the debugger. Some days I can run Visual Studio a couple of hours and the debugger works just fine, but then without any change in the configuration, the debugger fails to start and VS gets corrupt and needs to be restarted. This is the error message:

"Unable to start debugging on the web server. System call failed"

When a debug session has failed to start, the W3WP process usually is greyed out in the Attach to process-dialog, and sometimes there are two devenv.exe processes running, one of the orphaned. Sometimes it helps to just restart VS, sometimes an IISRESET is needed, sometimes not even a restart of Windows Server helps.

IIS is configured for Anonymous and Windows Authentication at the IIS root level, and my website is using Anonymous and Forms Authentication due to MS Commerce Server. The application pool is running with an administrative account.

Any tips?

Brgds Jonas