




I have 3 classes.

Class AddText(extends Activity), Grafitti(extends MapActivity) and MarkerOverlay.

Grafitti calls AddText, and AddText opens a new Activity that gets an input from user (EditText), then when that is successful Grafitti calls MarkerOverlay.

The problem is I can't access the input in AddText. I need to use that input in MarkerOverlay, I tried creating a setter and getter but it won't work. (error)

I've tried searching the web and I think the solution is Bundle. I'm having a hard time understanding how Bundle works. Is there any other way? or any code snippet on how to use Bundle. A code snippet would really help me a lot.

+1  A: 

Look into startActivityForResult (Intent intent, int requestCode)

Jeff Barger
+1  A: 

Grafitti needs to start AddText via startActivityForResult() and then listen for the result via onActivityResult()

For more info see this: http://developer.android.com/intl/de/reference/android/app/Activity.html#StartingActivities
