



Hi all,

I am working with NppToR as an extension allowing the use of notepad++ to be an IDE for R.

But there are a few features I didn't yet see implemented (I compiled the list from another IDE solution, which is not open source) :

Object Browser - Allow users to see all the data and function objects that are available, including those in loaded and installed R packages. Context menus provide the capability to quickly edit and plot data or load a package.

Full-featured Visual Debugger - Debug R scripts, with step-in, step-over, and step-out capability, allowing users to inspect and modify R objects as they are debugging

A Visual Solution Explorer - Organize, view, add, remove, rearrange, and deploy R scripts. Users can create their own Project Templates for automatic creation of a set of customized scripts for a new R project. Dockable, Floating, and Tabbed Tool Windows. for Creating personally customized workspaces.

Enhanced Help - Complete search capabilities and hover-over tooltips for functions and data objects.

R Code Snippets - Automatically generate fill-in-the-blank sections of R code for a variety of analyses. Tooltip help gives guidance in filling out the snippet.

Any Idea on how to get some of these already in notepad++ through some other noteps++ extensions or R packages ?

Thanks, Tal

+2  A: 

Notepad++ isn't really configured to offer these types of features. You'll do better to explore StatET + Eclipse or ESS (Emacs speaks statistics).


JD Long
Would they work for Windows XP ?
Tal Galili
Of course. Run, don't walk, to Vincent Goulet's page with a single install of R + ESS + Auctex ready to run on Windoze (and one for OS X) -- see
Dirk Eddelbuettel
If you are used to Windows you may find StatET easier to learn. I'm in windows most of the time and slip between notepad++, Sublime, and Eclipse+StatET quite a lot. My experimentation with ESS ended 15 seconds after I muttered to myself, "how the hell do I print from this thing?" ;)
JD Long
@JD: How about mark a region with the mouse and select File->Print Region? And File->Print Buffer prints the whole buffer.
Dirk Eddelbuettel
@dirk: um.. hey look! is that a bunny over there?!?!? (anything to distract from my idiocy)
JD Long
After seeing the reply of the developer, I suspect your answer is the right one... notepad++ good for starting out, not for long term mature statistical programming)
Tal Galili