




Ive got a set of cascading drop downs on my page which is accessed via the HTTPS protocol.

In the properties of my website the cascarding dropdowns reference the webservice like this:


When I use my site I go to the url e.g.

Using Firebug I can see that the page then tries to access This is the correct behvariour in order to cascade populate the dropdowns.

However, at this point I get the Firefox "Authentication Required" box pop up. If I press cancel to clear it the response from my webservice call is a 401 "Authentication Failed" message.

However the user is logged in already via forms authentication. The security is set up to deny annonymous users (deny="?") and allow certain roles (allow="Role1, Role2..."). Also, this works fine on the local test environment that does not use Https?

Additionally, if I type the name of the service into my browser followed by ?wsdl (either http or https) that works fine. It only seems to be a problem when the cascading dropdowns try to access the webservice.

Any help would be appreciated.


I am encountering same problem
