


+8  Q: 

Fun with Lambdas

Not having them used them all that much I'm not quite sure all that lambdas/blocks can be used for (other than map/collect/do/lightweight local function syntax). If some people could post some interesting but somewhat understandable examples (with explanation).

preferred languages for examples: python, smalltalk, haskell

+1  A: 

You can make a functional data structure out of lambdas. Here is a simple one - a functional list (Python), supporting add and contains methods:

empty = lambda x : None

def add(lst, item) :
    return lambda x : x == item or lst(x)

def contains(lst, item) :
    return lst(item) or False

I just coded this quickly for fun - notice that you're not allowed to add any falsy values as is. It also is not tail-recursive, as a good functional structure should be. Exercises for the reader!

would changing it to work?def contains(lst, item) : return lst(item) or None
Roman A. Taycher
+2  A: 

You can use them for control flow. For example, in Smalltalk, the "ifTrue:ifFalse:" method is a method on Boolean objects, with a different implementation on each of True and False classes. The expression

someBoolean ifTrue: [self doSomething] ifFalse: [self doSomethingElse]

uses two closures---blocks, in [square brackets] in Smalltalk syntax---one for the true branch, and one for the false branch. The implementation of "ifTrue:ifFalse:" for instances of class True is

ifTrue: block1 ifFalse: block2
    ^ block1 value

and for class False:

ifTrue: block1 ifFalse: block2
    ^ block2 value

Closures, here, are used to delay evaluation so that a decision about control flow can be taken, without any specialised syntax at all (besides the syntax for blocks).

Haskell is a little different, with its lazy evaluation model effectively automatically producing the effect of closures in many cases, but in Scheme you end up using lambdas for control flow a lot. For example, here is a utility to retrieve a value from an association-list, supplying an optionally-computed default in the case where the value is not present:

(define (assq/default key lst default-thunk)
    ((null? lst) (default-thunk)) ;; actually invoke the default-value-producer
    ((eq? (caar lst) key) (car lst))
    (else (assq/default key (cdr lst) default-thunk))))

It would be called like this:

(assq/default 'mykey my-alist (lambda () (+ 3 4 5)))

The key here is the use of the lambda to delay computation of the default value until it's actually known to be required.

See also continuation-passing-style, which takes this to an extreme. Javascript, for instance, relies on continuation-passing-style and closures to perform all of its blocking operations (like sleeping, I/O, etc).

ETA: Where I've said closures above, I mean lexically scoped closures. It's the lexical scope that's key, often.

Tony Garnock-Jones
Could you add a description of lexically scoping?
Roman A. Taycher
@Roman: Lexical scoping means that if you've got a function like `f := a -> (x -> (a++)*x)`, the call `f(2)` will return the function `x -> (a++)*x` with `a` bound to a variable that has the value 2. Because that is the `a` from the scope where the function was defined in a lexical sense. This `a` is, however, completely independent of the `a` in the function returned by `f(3)` or by another `f(2)` call, since each call creates a new closure.
Christopher Creutzig
+1  A: 

You can use a lambda to create a Y Combinator, that is a function that takes another function and returns a recursive form of it. Here is an example:

def Y(le):
    def _anon(cc):
        return le(lambda x: cc(cc)(x))
    return _anon(_anon)

This is a thought bludgeon that deserves some more explanation, but rather than regurgitate it here check out this blog entry (above sample comes from there too).

David in Dakota

An example in Haskell to compute the derivative of a single variabled function using a numerical approximation:

deriv f = \x -> (f (x + d) - f x) / d
    d = 0.00001

f x = x ^ 2
f' = deriv f -- roughly equal to f' x = 2 * x

Its C#, but I personally get a kick out of this article every time I read it:

Building Data out of Thin Air - an implementation of Lisp's cons, car, and cdr functions in C#. It shows how to build a simple stack data structure entirely out of lambda functions.


It isn't really quite the same concept as in haskell etc, but in C#, the lambda construct has (optionally) the ability to compile to an objcet model representing the code (expression-trees) rather than code itself (this is itself one of the cornerstones of LINQ).

This in turn can lead to some very expressive meta-programming opportunities, for example (where the lambda here is expressing "given a service, what do you want to do with it?"):

var client = new Client<ISomeService>();
string captured = "to show a closure";
var result = client.Invoke(
    svc => svc.SomeMethodDefinedOnTheService(123, captured)

(assuming a suitable Invoke signature)

There are lots of uses for this type of thing, but I've used it to build an RPC stack that doesn't require any runtime code generation - it simply parses the expression-tree, figures out what the caller intended, translates it to RPC, invokes it, gathers the response, etc (discussed more here).

Marc Gravell