




Hi everyone!

I have a project where I have to pull data or code from SVN and create a sequence/class/UML diagram based on code/data retrieved from SVN.

My questions are:

1) How to connect to SVN server from java? 2) Is there any java libraries that can take a class method and generate a sequence diagram? 3) Is there any java library that can generate a UML 2.0 complaint diagram from class file?

Any pointers will be much appreciated.



Where can I download SVN4J? I don't find any place of download.
The Elite Gentleman
+1 See also, http://sourceforge.net/projects/svn4j/develop
+3  A: 

To answer your SVN Java-API question: SVNKit is really handy.

Frank Grimm
+1  A: 

If I understand well the need is to reverse engineer sequence and class diagram from existing code which is currently shared by the team on SVN.

I found this sequence and class reverse engineering documentation at: http://www.forum-omondo.com/documentation_eclipseuml_2008/reverse/reverse/reverse_engineering_example.html

You can not do reverse programatically using a method because this is a lot more complex than just a method. You certainly have hundred of methods or more called for a basic reverse engineering option. The step to reverse engineer a java code into an UML diagram is to: First map your code to a UML model: You can do it but just a drag and drop : http://www.forum-omondo.com/documentation_eclipseuml_2008/quickstar_of_EclipseUML/index.html#3._How_to_reverse_a_Java_code_into_a or by reversing the full project and then creating UML views from your model : http://www.forum-omondo.com/documentation_eclipseuml_2008/reverse/reverse/index.html#1.1_Create_a_detailled_model_including

Once the UML project has been created you can share it directly on SVN with the other users if they use Eclipse, if they don't use Eclipse then you can export image of your sequence diagram using the image export option : http://www.forum-omondo.com/documentation_eclipseuml_2008/workingWithDiagrams/export/index.html and copy this image inside your team project for documentation purposes.

Thanks....but that is an Eclipse Plugin, is there any library that I can use that can do this too? I am told to create the UMLs, class diagrams, etc. and display it on a web page, i.e. I'm doing this through a web application.
The Elite Gentleman