



Does the Android platform lend itself well to a particular style of UI programming like MVC or MVP? Most of my UI experience is with spaghetti code on a very old embedded device or in GWT with MVP so I do not know where to start.

+2  A: 

I do not know if the Android lends itself well to a specific design pattern when it comes to UI development per se, you can certainly use a particular pattern if it helps.

When in doubt you can check out the standard User Interface Guidelines and see what the guidelines are for particular interactions.

Anthony Forloney

Well, if you make an assumption that an Android Application can be divided into three distinct layers:

1-The Model: Which will be mostly a data storage layer for your data, it can be one of many sources. For example, it can be a class wrapping a list of contacts, or it can be some data from your SQlite DB.

2-The View: as we know, in android, it is actually termed as an Activity, through a certain activity, you will just remove any data dependent code in which you will simply keep your vie/UI clean and decoupled.

3-*The Controlle*r: it can be the link between your (UI XML/ Code UI/ Events Handlers) and your data which is wrapped with a specific model.

I prefer to keep as simple as I just mentioned it now, any advanced concepts or android related concept, I usually classify it in one of these three layers.

The Controller is not the view. In Android the view is defined in XML. The activities actually are something like the view controllers.
+1  A: 

The MVC Pattern is more or less pre build into android.

You have three layers consisting of:

  • The Model Your data classes, Content providers etc. wrapping all your data.
  • The Controllers Treat all your activities as controller classes. Don't do anything in them that looks like business logic or data persitance. Just react to events from the model or the user and forward them to the correct layer.
  • The View Often the Activities are called the view because there it is the java code that is closest to the views. But in my opinion the view layer in Android is mostly defined in xml. You define your buttons, images, state changes etc in xml and then connect it with your application through your Activities.

There are some simple rules to follow to have a basic separation of this layers.

  • Define as much of your UI in xml only instantiate Views yourself if there is no other way to achieve something, don't change the graphical state of views from code, for example don't change the background of a button if the button is deactivated, or the color of a font if a button was clicked, do all this through stateful drawables, and selectors in xml.
  • Don't do any data saving or logic in your activity classes. Call to extra model classes for this purpose. This will make your activities clean and short
  • If you want to change your data think about going through a full controller changes model -> model informs controller about changes -> controller changes UI cycle instead of having the controller change the model and the UI directly because other observers of the modes may not be notified.