



I wanna design an Entity Class which has a String[] property. This String Array always has two values and I dont want Hibernate (or rather JPA) create an extra table for this but embed this two String values directly into the table. Is this possible and if so how?

+1  A: 

If this array always has two elements, why not simply create a class to hold them and than map that class as Component?

Georgy Bolyuba
+1  A: 

If there is always exactly two values, you can play with getter/setter and instance variable. You can indeed choose whether you map instance variable or property with @Column.

String s1;

String s2;

public String[] getProp()
  return new String[]{ s1, s2 };

public String setProp(String[] s )
   s1 = s[0];
   s2 = s[1];

Otherwise look at @Embedded entity. Something in the spirit of

public class MyEntity {

    public StringTuple tuple;


public class StringTuple {
    public String s1;
    public String s2;