



In my app, an Event has multiple items associated with it, potentially all of different types. For example, a "User ate a Banana" Event would have a User and a Banana associated with it.

It seems like one way to accomplish this would be to have a polymorphic join table with 3 fields: event_id, attachable_type, and attachable_id, where attachable is the polymorphic type.

Is this possible and/or am I way off base here?

+1  A: 

I usually use the has_many_polymorphs plugin for this. On is a great article on that. You need a join table and than could write something like in event.rb for example:

has_many_polymorphs :items, :from => [:users, :bananas]

bananas.rb than would have something like

belongs_to :event belongs_to :item, :polymorphic => true

Something I tend to forget is that although banana only belongs to one event you still will have to call (notice the plural!). That's weird but works. If you call .event you get nil
