



We have a large M.I.S system which contain 12 sub systems. Version 1.0 is completly finished and We decide to change the User Interface in Version 2.0. So We are looking for some good UI design pattern for large-scale web based system.

If you know any good UI Design Patterns, please let us know ?

Also if you think we should consider something please share it with us ?

note that I didn't explain about our current Interface because I want to get all feedbacks and decide to use it or not .


A good link for more detail on what I'm reaaly looking for

+1  A: 

I think MVC is the best design pattern for web UI. There are several MVC-implementations out there, depending on your language of choice. Rails in ruby, ASP.NET MVC, Monorail, FubuMVC in .NET, Spring in Java, and a whole lot more for other platforms.

MVC really helps separating html from code and makes the code testable.

MVC is good , Do you know any pattern for designing User Interface (something like YUI or etc)
Nasser Hadjloo