How do I unit-test a Zend_Form form class I wrote for my application?
I aspire to have a 100% code coverage, so just testing each controller that uses it, doesn't seem enough, but I could be missing something in the UnitTest approach..
3Unit testing stands for testing of units, so you should
- test your Zend_Form based class - you can pass any test data to populate method
- than test your controller separately - create mock for your Zend_Form based class, because you are going to test it again, this requires some sort of factory or dependency injection in controller.
The LoginForm class in the example from comment doesn't provide more functionality than setting elements, validators, decorators etc., so this may be tested easily. If you want to test the controller, you should pass it (e.g. as constructor parameter, see Dependency injection) some mock of LoginForm. If you want to test controller and form intergration (which is not unit test, but one can do it also with PhpUnit), you can use controller's method setRequest to set fake request data.
You can try it with Selenium. This way you can prepare inputs and expected outputs. However, it requires that you actually display the form in a browser, so your controller has to work as well.
What about writing test cases that POST form data to your action controller? This way you can generate as many different user inputs as you want and you can check whether your form validation works or whether you get correct error messages.