



Wondering if people who have attended DevTeach could comment on the value of the conference (e.g. well-organized, good sessions, good material, etc.). This post seems to indicate that it is not worth the money.

+1  A: 

Well, that blog post is by someone who expects a conference to involve a paper that is presented by a speaker, and who is furious that the downloads are either just the powerpoint, or the powerpoint and some demo code but no script. I find that to be the norm for the conferences I go to, so wouldn't be angry about the downloads. There was nothing in the blog about how organized it was or if the sessions were good.

Take a look at the sessions. Do the topics interest you? If you don't care about the material that happens to be covered, it's not worth it for you. I like that it varies from just all Microsoft topics and into broader community material.

Disclaimer: I speak at DevTeach often, as do large numbers of my friends. But I think the advice stands.

Kate Gregory