




On my system, i am using eclipse ganymede version along the Android SDK and ADT plugin installed. I have created an android AVD (target android 1.5) with 512MB of memory. Its quite frustrating to see the slow boot up of it. It takes around 4-5 mins to complete its boot-up. Is there any way or tweak to speed up this boot up process.

PC config:
P4 2.4 Ghz with 1 GB ram.

+2  A: 

There is now way of to speed up the boot process. This is the downside of having a real emulator not just a simulator like the Iphone kit offers.

You don't have to quit the emulator after a test run. Just start the emulator at the beginning of your work and close it after you are finished. If you want to test something very quick I often find it easier to just connect my actual device and run my app on the real device, without waiting for the emulator to start up.

I am already doing this way only... but i was wondering if bootup time could be reduced... Also the interface interaction is also quite slow.... i hope we soon get a better solution...
The interface interaction should be as slow as the real device. I think this is a pro for the emulator. While testing apps on the Iphone simulator you won't get a feeling for the lag etc the real device introduces. If somebody only tests on the 3Gs and the simulator the app is terrible to use on older Iphones. Therefor having a real emulator that shows a little bit how the app behaves on the phone is definitely a good thing.
+1  A: 

You can use the -no-boot-anim command line option which speeds up the boot process by not showing the boot animation while the emulator starts up. It makes an noticeable difference on my system reducing start up time from around 55 seconds to nearer 45 seconds. (In case you're interested this is on a laptop with a Mobile Core 2 Duo L9400 and 3GB of RAM.)

Use a command line like this to start the emulator:

emulator -no-boot-anim @YourAvdName

where YourAvdName is the name of the Android Virtual Device (AVD) image that you want to start.

Dave Webb
doing this way... i think it just don't display that animation... Somehow on my system... doing it this way was taking more time....that might be because.. that i had just closed the already running avd to do this way....
Is there any way to set this in Eclipse or is it command line only?
@scottmarlowe - I'm not aware of a way to set this option in Eclipse.
Dave Webb
@scottmarlowe You can set it in run configuration. It's under the "Target" tab->Additional Emulator Command Line Options. source: android-developers mailing list