In URL rewriting, i am quite confused that should i use underscore (_) OR hyphen (-) to replace spaces. According to this and this, hyphen should be used. But wikipedia uses underscores like so which should be used?
You can use whatever you want. It doesn't matter (from a technical point of view; there may be other reasons to choose one over the other).
Noon Silk
2010-03-05 06:03:37
check the matt's blog. he has some explanation.
2010-03-05 06:06:18
@coder Yes ... He has some information if you care about SEO specifically related to how he says Google implements things at the time he wrote that entry. Nevertheless, the accuracy of my statement remains, in general.
Noon Silk
2010-03-05 06:08:22
Try a search in google for web_site vs web-site. As far as seo is concerned, there is a difference...
Byron Whitlock
2010-03-05 06:23:03
@Bran Whitlock - I agree, I probably should've specified that I meant there was no *technical* reason to choose one over the other.
Noon Silk
2010-03-05 07:14:54
I gave you a +1. All that matters is conformance to RFC 3986 and RFC 3987.
2010-03-05 08:28:30
It does matter! Except you don't care about SEO and number of your visitors. Search engines like dashes far better.
2010-03-05 13:33:04
use dashes
read from the matt's blog
2010-03-05 06:05:23